By: Annie Thomas
I first heard Michael and Connie on New Dimensions Radio. It was quite some years ago, but I never forgot them. I sought them out over the years to help make sense of what was happening in the world. I needed science and spirit together, and they provided that pathway. Michael knew how to interpret difficult, heartbreaking data and present it in a way that helped me not feel so hopeless; to accept what was and how to proceed into it with a calm and open heart. His interviews were exceptional and informative and often sprinkled with good humor. His energy was contagious as was his message. That man could find joy anywhere and everywhere, even in the darkest hours. He did not sugarcoat anything and delivered it with gentleness and compassion; a sure sign of a wise elder. We’ve lost so many of our prophets and mystics since 2016; the very people we need. It is up to us now, to step up and carry on their work. Thank you Michael and Connie.