“Daring greatly means the courage to be vulnerable. It means to show up and be seen, to talk about how you’re feeling, and to have the hard conversations. Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.”

-Brené Brown

NOTE: Offerings listed are considered potentially useful for adopting a Post-doom mindset, but may not 100% align or be a good fit for everyone. Post-doom team not responsible for engagement.

Have a Gathering Opportunity to share?

Questions or Comments?

Contact Post-doom Team

In this time of crisis and catastrophe, our comfort is to be with other people who understand what we’re going through. In a Collapse Club meeting, you will join like-minded people in a safe, structured space to share your personal experience of collapse understanding to cultivate communal support and wisdom. Information about how to attend available on the website. Join us!



THURSDAY 11am PT/7:00pm UTC


Resilience & Acceptance in the Face of Collapse

This FREE 9-week zoom course guides participants through a variety of resources exploring topics that include: the great unravelling, deep adaptation, inner and outer resilience, indigenous wisdom, and collapse acceptance.

“Brilliant design with an inclusive curriculum, knowledgeable tech support, thoughtful group process, rich array of optional homework, diverse resources, shared leadership, supportive training, and online circles for alumnae.” -Karla C.

“A well structured course with experienced facilitators who kept the group focused. Great jumping off point for understanding collapse, and beneficial for people at the start of their Acceptance journey.” – Renaee C.



THURSDAY 5pm – 6:30pm PT

A spin off from Michael Dowd’s Post-Doom No Gloom calls, this mixed group of collapse accepting “old timers” and those newer to collapse awareness* meets weekly. The focus is an organic exploration of collapse understanding often driven by an emailed topic. Typically there are 20 to 30 participants with main room discussion time, the option for smaller breakout sessions, and sometimes a guest speaker. (90 minutes, with 2 hour option) *Note: newbies may want to check out Collapse Club first, but not required

David Baum interviews Collapse Acceptance Alliance host Val Christensen and occasional co-host Peter Melton

Facing Predicament Support

Embodied Practices
Space Holding Training
Shadow Awareness


5 – 6:30pm PT


Check out the video to get the answer to Michael Dowd’s question “Dean, what is it exactly that you do?”

For more info:
Dean Walker

Connecting people, in all spheres of life, to foster mutual support and collaboration in the process of anticipating, observing, and experiencing societal disruption and biospheric collapse.

Offering intimate circles, thoughtful discussions, creative arts presentations, and more by facilitators and hosts with a wide array of skills and interests. Most events on Zoom.


Planet Titanic Human Extinction Café


1PM to 2PM EST, with option to stay longer

Zoom Meeting ID: 891 6493 5831
(no password, registration or tickets – just show up, it’s FREE)

A zoom gathering for those who want to prepare intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually for societal collapse and human extinction in our lifetimes due to anthropogenic climate change. More details available HERE

Please bring the following if you choose: Comfort Food and Drink, Timer, Paper and Pen, Be Present

Deep Adaptation Disaster Survivors Circle


This group is for those who have already experienced a collapse due to climate-related natural disasters. It offers the opportunity to connect with other collapse-aware self-identifying climate refugees and survivors.

Contact: alyxvolzer (at)

If this time doesn’t work, still let the organizers know your interest.

Meets monthly on the third Monday
8:00pm – 9:30pm EST

Post-doom Bloom with GRAC/E (Getting Real About Collapse/Extinction)

This women’s discussion group, focused on living the Benefits of Collapse Acceptance, is currently closed. However, we do offer a few spots from time to time, and are currently looking for those willing to start a new Bloom bouquet. 

Email Karen Perry to share more about your interest

I have found the Bouquet to be a safe and trusted space for our voices to transcend feeling lost and alone. Meeting weekly since early 2022, I have found recurring peace, groundedness, and a sisterhood that transcends the aloneness. Blooming Together assists me in finding new ways of being in a collapsing world, practically and spiritually. -Janet S.
UUs for Collapse Awareness and Acceptance

UUA Logo Chalice Graphics | UUA Branding Graphics, Colors, and Fonts | LeaderLab |


A Facebook online discussion group for Unitarian Universalists and those sympathetic with the values of UUism to provide awareness of impending environmental, societal, and civilizational collapse and to discover ways to support each other in the realization that these inevitabilities are possible within the near future. Our aim is to realistically face together such distressing events while also finding peace, love, and meaning in whatever time is left to us both individually and collectively.

Email Jim Catano