November 19, 1958 – October 7, 2023
New submission? Email Post-doom Team
“Any human being exists only as a member of the wider community of life, air, water, and soil. We have no existence apart from the earth. We are the earth. What we do to the earth, we do to ourselves.”
“The biosphere is a greater Thou, not a lesser it.”
-Michael Dowd (1958-2023)
May these images shared be a lasting inspiration for all…and a daily challenge to reconnect with the wild world.
Enjoy the viewing with a personal music selection. Or just listen deeply to the silence.
Tribute Video for My Life Partner
“To Michael’s colleagues and friends: I give you my thanks for helping my husband shine in serving the human and the more-than-human world. I can speak for Michael in saying that his life was complete at age 64. If he had any inkling of dying, I know he agrees that it was indeed a good day to die. And for me, today is a good day to live.”
Michael Dowd
“His electric, surround sound version of loving attention was wild and joyful to experience. His limitless curiosity and bombastic reverence for life never ceased to compel me to want to lean into my life with more authenticity. He could challenge, cajole, compel, and confuse with grace. I loved the man.”
– Jordan Perry
an Art For the Sky dedication video
“For centuries, poets and artists have compared dying to a leaf falling…is there any metaphor more apt? Here is a verse from my song Forever, included at the end of the video.” – Daniel Dancer
And when death welcomes me
to Sweet Infinity
May I please go gracefully
Like a gold leaf falling to the ground
Impermanence is life’s sweet sound
And forever is the song it sings
It’s Not Too Late
to Love the World
“Michael had a contagious enthusiasm and one of the most generous spirits I have ever met.
He had a unique gift for lifting up other people and connecting like-minded folks. This was, in my opinion, at least as important as his writing and speaking.”
– John Halstead
An elegy in prose for Michael Dowd
“His huge evangelical heart combined with his understanding of God as the evolving Universe, our home, and his acceptance that we are not going to wheedle our way out of this great unraveling…He was faithful to reality, including glorious rivers and repeated endings of mighty civilizations.”
– Vicki Robin
The Late Great Reverend Dowd
“A brave, bold, positive, humble, intelligent and good-hearted man who made a unique contribution to humanity at this unprecedented time.” -Jem Bendell
Environmental Coffee House Tribute
“We all loved Michael and he loved all of us.”
Featuring Post-doom Conversationalists: Sandy Schoelles, Jennifer Hynes, and Eliot Jacobson
The LEGACY of Michael Dowd
“I found myself saying yes to everything Michael wrote.
He had such a fertile mind and made a lot of
connections that helped me to evolve as
well.” – Rev. Jim Hollister
In Memory of the Great Ecotheologian
“He referred to hope as love-in-action. I met Michael Dowd through the Gaian Way. He referred to the living earth as Gaia, but spelled it like this, which I thought was perfect.”
– Krista Hiser
Just a Beautiful Human Being
“His efforts to include everyone, his kindness, and his humility were a genuine blessing to those he touched. He was a light in these times and will be sorely missed.”
– Michael Shaw
On the Passing of Michael
“The power of Michael’s message was growing, but now it is our responsibility – each one of us – to accelerate that broadcast to achieve a critical mass of predicament consciousness…
…not that it will “save” us or much of life on this planet, but because that is what evolution wants humanity to learn and is what must be done.” – Bob Bates
Michael’s Gifts
“I’m blessed to know a lot of impactful elders. Seldom have I crossed paths with one who quickly made me feel special and important. Michael’s gift of easy engagement both in interviews and in personal conversations was a special gift that not everyone can boast” – Steve Aman
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology Honors Michael Dowd’s Legacy
“Michael’s Post-doom concept challenged us to engage in a radical eyes-open acceptance of the planetary situation and finding richness, equanimity, meaning, and joy, not only in spite of the reality, but because of it.”– Tara Trapani
Michael Helped Me Keep Trudging
“What is real? What is important? What is possible?” – the key questions Michael would ask in his talks – have much informed my ongoing 30+ year cruel jungle trudge as a planet Earth crew member.” – Joseph Carson
Dowd Gave Us All So Much
“Michael was a bright star who, with Connie, have brought a scientifically real, cosmically inspiring, reality based spirituality to literally hundreds of thousands of people. They were instrumental in getting me on the path of proclaiming our awesome evolutionary roots to the world.” –Dr. Jon Cleland Host
In Memoriam
“He was certainly a big thinker and a pioneer in the framing of the very story of the Universe and evolution themselves as a grand spiritual narrative… promoting a philosophical position that eschewed big-picture hope, but rather chose small acts of bettering the world immediately around us.”– Mark Green
Contagious Energy
“Michael knew how to interpret difficult, heartbreaking data – presenting it in a way that helped me not feel so hopeless. He did not sugarcoat anything – delivering it with gentleness and compassion – a sure sign of a wise elder.”– Annie Thomas
Loved His Charismatic Presence
“Thank you Michael for your ecological worldview, your understanding of being in-right-relationship-with-reality, and for leaning into the wisdom of giants who went before you.
This teaching helps me find peace, happiness, and meaning while living in a dying world.” – Renaee Churches
A Genuine Difference Maker
“Michael’s energy and passion was palpable from the first time I heard him talk. He was a genuine human that cared about others and the world. I’m certain that he has made a difference in thousands of lives.” – Juan Pablo Quiñonez
Excellent Teacher
“Michael had a massive influence on me. His communication, research and teaching skills were outstanding. He helped me to let go of judging others, and attempting to control what I cannot.” – Bridget K
Reflections on Michael, Evolution, and Humanity’s Future
“He was originally an evangelical preacher who evolved into someone who touted the spiritual importance of the process of evolution and an advocate for the melding of science and religion…I heard him speak and immediately became a big fan.” – Mark Gilbert
Practiced What He Preached
“His passing was a devastating loss not only for me and those who knew him, but for the whole body of life surrounding his love-in-action…His message of G🌎D, religion, and the state of where exactly human civilization is heading completely transformed and rocked me.”– Gerry Russell
Comforting Friend
“I found comfort in his words and voice that others believed the brutal truth that I believed. Somehow he had the most positive preaching on how to cope with the impending doom. And I found a new friend late in life. To spread the word I made my own bumper sticker.” – Christopher LaRosa
Will Always Be Here
“I am so so so sad to know that Michael is not in this world in person anymore. He will always be here, of course… Minds are fragile and ephemeral. Great ones need to be held through generations.”
– Gretta Vosper
My Experience with and Appreciation for Michael Dowd
“… listening to him speak and teach on “The Great Story,” and all of the wonderful Post-Doom conversations had a profound, illuminating impact on my understanding of Earth’s predicament.” – George Price